The Well
While in Bangkok, we worked with a ministry called "THE WELL". This is a ministry for girls who have come out of prostitution. Prostitution in Thailand is sadly a multi-billion dollar industry and though it is technically illegal, it's so huge that the police seem to just turn their heads instead of dealing with it.The staff at The Well basically go down to the main strip of bars in Bangkok and pursue relationship with the girls they find there. Sometimes this require paying as if they are "customers" to spend time talking and praying with them. They tell them about Jesus and they let them know that if they want to leave prostitution and have a safe & healthy place to go to, they can join The Well. Many have. I hope many more do.
At The Well the girls recieve biblical education, counselling, and an opportunity to start self-supportive businesses of their own. Many of these girls have children so finding a way other than prostitution to provide for them is extremely necessary. Otherwise, though they despise working in the bars, it becomes quite enticing as it's a sure way to take care of themselves and their children.
These are 2 pictures from the strip of bars in Bangkok. The girls have numbers pinned to their dresses and they aggresively pursue customers to either come into their bars, or take them back to their hotels. The whole experience of merely standing in the midst of this place was quite surreal. There are throngs of white male foreigners everywhere you look, drunk and willing to pay to take a beautiful young thai girl back to his hotel. To say it's disgusting would be an understatement.

We were able to spend time in bible study with the girls, and in worship. We got to know a lot of them and their stories. One, in particular really changed me. I met a girl named Dao. She has 4 children and the saddest story I have ever heard. However, she has become a Christian and God is slowly but surely healing her and giving her a renewed hope for her life. If there is a way for me to eventually be able to financially support her, I hope to do so. We laughed a lot as we tried to communicate with both our limited thai & limited english skills, but somehow we became fast friends and she is someone I deeply care about and will never forget.
This is Dao and one of her sons:

Myself, Dao & Khio (the thai lady who runs The Well) preparing thai barbque

Dao's Children

The girls worshipping @ The Well

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