Hey everyone! I just got back on the 4th of July (yes, just in time for the biggest celebration ever!) from 3 weeks in Winnipeg. I have to say, I had a really really nice time at home visiting family and friends. It was super relaxing and a lot of fun.I was thinking about how much God has blessed me with a great family and incredibly loving and supportive friends. It's a nice feeling to have people in your life who have known you for 10+ years. I did lots of laughing...laughing because we did a lot of reminiscing. I felt so encouraged and loved by all of you at home (Winnipeg) and it was a good time for me to think about why I love Seattle. Being home made me realize, yet again, just how much I love what God is allowing me to be a part of here in Seattle.
Here are a few pictures of my time @ home:
some of my very cute cousins playing in our pool

canada day breakfast in our backyard...mmm....i love breakfast!

my friend matty & i @ the pretzel place his family runs at the goldeyes stadium

my friend diana & i being silly @ starbucks

my beautiful mommy and i

my handsome dad and i

....so thank you to those of you who came to my house to hear more about what I did while in Thailand and my heart for the ministries I am involved with in Seattle! I love all of you and it meant a lot to me that you took the time to hear what was on my heart!
It was short but sweet and so great to see all of you that I did!
Much love,
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