21 Days of Something

...yep, this is the book i'm reading currently. david crowder is quite the comical guy alongside of having many really solid things to say. as one would assume by the title: "PRAISE HABIT", it's about making praise...a habit, which i'm sure we've all struggled with a time or two.
i liked this bit:
"Years ago a friend told me that an action repeated for a minimum of twenty-one days is likely to become a permanent habit. So I thought I'd give it a shot. I would choose a habit that was nonsensical but not too nonsensical...."
(it ends up working ... but that's all i will tell you because i think you should read it)
so i've been thinking of challenging myself to do the same. i haven't yet picked a "habit", but i have a few ideas. and obviously, i want to make praise a habit; something that just comes naturally. i don't want to have to think about it being my first response. i want it to come out of who i am. oh, and i'll let you know how i do.
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