i slept in a cardboard box.

On Saturday, April 28th, myself and a few friends from YWAM Seattle joined our new friends touring with "Invisible Children" to help staff the "DISPLACE ME" event (I helped with registration). Displace Me was held in 15 cities throughout the US - and of the almost 68,000 people who showed up across the nation that night, Seattle had 5000!!!
Basically it was a bunch of people sleeping outside to simulate the IDP camps (Internal Displacement Camp) in Northern Uganda to protest the 21 year war that has not yet ended and bring political attention, awareness & most certainly, to bring AN END to those displaced for the last 10 years in Uganda. We built "homes" out of cardboard and by the evening there was a sea of cardboard at Seattles Magnuson Park. It was one of the craziest scenes I've witnessed and at the same time incredibly powerful. Also, it was a very chilly night. We were also given rations of H2O & saltines, the same way people would be rationed food within a displacement camp.
You might notice the red "X" on my shirt (below)...it was to symbolize our "displacement". There was also a sea of these and we took pictures of ourselves in them and sent them to senators demanding attention and peace for N. Uganda.

i am the 5th from the left in the above picture...check out the article written by following the link below.
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