i'm stuck @ confusion corner
*i'm going to post pictures of africa, i promise......
So, I've been back in Seattle for 15 days now. The first week was crazy due to the DTS program running it's final mile (debrief), and now they've all scattered back to their homelands with many plans for the future. The DTS house is right next door to my townhouse (where a bunch of us staff live) so every time that house empties up, it's a little bit sad. There are a few students from this DTS that are making a comeback, so that's something I'm really looking forward to. One of the girls I got really close to, Heidi, is planning on moving back to Seattle in the summer - yay Heidi! I know our students face a lot of questions upon their return to "normal life". Please keep them in your prayers as they cover a lot of different situations and circumstances to return home to. It's exciting to see where they'll go after this experience we had the privilege of being a part of.
I knew that coming back from Africa would have it's difficult points. It's never easy coming back. As I'm sure you've gathered, I saw, experienced, & learned a lot during my time in Zambia. I'm trying to give myself time to see how things in me have changed.... honestly, I'm really tired. Not the kind of tired a good 12 noon sleep-in cures. Tired in spirit. If I can say that. It feels rather scary to admit that to all of you who might possibly be reading this. But it doesn't do me or you any good if I can't be honest about where I'm at. That's the point of keeping a blog that keeps y'all "in the know", right? There are just, what feels like, a million thoughts roaming the planes of my mind right now. It seems easier to pretend everything is great and under control. But I'm not in control, and I trust in a God who is quite creative and unpredictable at times. Oh, He's always good, just so big...
I'd love it if you would keep me in your prayers and to hear any encouragements you may have. I know we've all had moments like these in our lives. I know I'm not alone. I know things in my brain will calm down.
What's going on:
- staffing the next DTS?
- school? ...a thought...
- immigration/visa related stuff ... i'm at the place where I could apply for an R-1 (religious workers) visa which would allow me something like 3-5 years here, but not sure if I want to do that...
- i'm still in need of more monthly support (i have about $400/mth coming consistantly each month, but as my rent is $350/mth, that does'nt leave me with much to buy groceries, pay other bills, etc)
- the base is in the process of trying to purchase the "gray house" (DTS house) and our townhouse isn't such the deal it used to be (very expensive for very tiny rooms and space) so we're all moving over the the DTS house until August and then we'll be finding a new place to live. Lots of moving.
- i'll be staffing Mission Adventures again this spring/summer ....and GATEWAY is coming for a week! YAY!
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