Monday, December 25, 2006

christmas and cursive..'s christmas and yes, i'm writing something entirely unrelated to christmas.... no worries though, i just have to process the whole "christmas time" thing and then i'll be sure to update my blog christmas style.

i love when i'm at home and i start looking through boxes of my endless barrage of stuff from 26 years of life. you're always likely to find every birthday card (unless you're the type to throw 'em out..which i find personally difficult to do), stuffed animals that you cannot part with despite the fact that they have one limb hanging on by a thread and you've drawn all over it with pen when you were 4 (when you discovered that you could draw on anything to your mothers horror), old yearbooks you wouldn't be paid to show anyone, pictures, crumpled up giftwrap, etc. i'm sure you've all experienced this, so i won't bother you with the uneccesarry list of "stuff".....

....but what i love about this is when i happen upon something rather amusing, such as your old piano lesson book that you piano teacher wrote in each week telling you things like "lift your foot off the pedal on 3 so we don't hear anthing on 4 at the end of each line. lift your hand and foot at the same time", or "a lot of wrong notes. look at the book and your hands to make sure you're playing the right notes". you get the picture...yeah, well here is another picture:

i found this written at the front of my "hilroy" scribbler (for those Canadians out there...i used to think it said "hibroy"...because as you will soon see...i was still growing in my cursive writing skills):

"mrs. oh! you no what i have to things. to tell yow! i had the flew and hope you dont cach it i vometed tirteen times! the second ting i wanted to tell yow was that my names are Amanda1.dawn2.marie3. martens4.!
love ya from amanda your student."

oh to be a kid again... i was laughing, not only at the spelling, but at the fact that i thought it was completley serious buisness to tell her all about how i had the flu and didn't want her to catch it....and also at the randomness of me telling her my names as if there was some correlation to me having the flu.

these things make me laugh and see the humour in growing up. i hope we're always able to laugh at our mistakes to some extent...and of course, learn from them. maybe this is just more specific to my personality, but...i wanted to give you something to grin about this christmas morning.


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