
.....my oh my, it's 2007! Remember Y2K? Goodness, I was nothing but a young whipper snapper back then doing my DTS outreach in Newcastle, England. We partied the New Year in on what is now officially the "Africa Mercy"; then, in the midst of being converted from a dutch train ferry. Myself doing my infamous bagpipe impression (it's still pretty popular) and pretty much everyone else just running around the ship shouting at the tops of their lungs. It was great. I'll never forget it.
I spent Christmas in Winnipeg. It was soooooo nice to be home and visit with my parents and eat loads of good food! I didn't end up getting much time to see everyone I had hoped to, but this year I didn't stress out over it. After-all, there really wasn't much I could do about it. Christmas is a crazy time of year. I felt like I was able to relax despite that. I'm really thankful for the time I had at home. Also, can I just say how much I love being at my home church? Well, I guess I just did. It was really great to be at Gateway..and twice in one day!
It's been awesome to see how God has provided for our students in the most random of ways. Pretty much everyone has their entire outreach paid off. One girl, Brandi, had absolutely no money, and we held an offering within our school (yes, this means with just our students and our staff - which is 22 people in all) and her entire outreach was paid off!! Here were both students and staff giving out of a place of need. I think in the end there was something to the tune of $6000 given that afternoon. If you ask me how, the only logical answer would be: GOD. And I'm sticking to that!
I'm still personally in need of $300 for my outreach....and also $350 for this months rent. And guess when I leave for Zambia? Oh....Tuesday the 9th! And I'm not worried, I know God is going to provide. I mean just today I was on the way to the bank to deposit $40 and my friend Sam was walking by on the street and handed me a check he picked up at the YWAM Office....so I was able to give $100 more bucks towards outreach (before the $300 I still need). If you are reading this and would like to help me out in the area of finances, please feel free to contact me (manda_317@yahoo.com) as soon as possible. thanks :)
For now I'd like to leave you with this:
Phillipians 2:6-8 - equality with God was not to be grasped in human form, but he became less than God in order to serve us. Jesus, because he was God, was always equal to God. He understood that being God wasn't grasping or striving after power. God's way was through emptying himself. The gospel cannot be shared in any other way than pouring out of ourselves for people.
-Ron Ruthruffe- Seattle DTS 06-07 Check out Ron @ NEW HORIZONS. http://www.nhmin.org/
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