the slurpee 411

I've been drinking slurpees since I was a young girl & have always been a little bit wide-eyed over them. I still am, but the slurpees in the U.S are one huge letdown. In case you've ever found yourself wondering what their slurpees are like, I'm going to go ahead and assure you that they are 100% incomparable to what Canada has to offer!
For me, it's all about the texture. What I've found with the U.S version of slurpees is that they are light & airy. Why? I think they're carbonated. I'm pretty sure Canada's aren't. Now, I'm no expert, so I could be wrong on both accounts, but there is defintely a HUGE difference between the two.
I've had 4 slurpees in my first week on Canadian soil....and since it's been both hot & humid, they've been thoroughly enjoyed!
yum yum. I never thought about it being the texture.
i thought that was all 1 slurpee machine and I thought "my how things have changed since I've been gone". but then I realised it was 3.
from the slurpee-less wanderer.
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