I spent Canada day in the US (this seems to happen quite a lot for me) with many Americans, but don't worry, there were quite a few Canadians in the mix. We had a big BBQ at my friends house (one of which is orignally from Manitoba). It was a double party...the first half was for my friend Mel who recently graduated as a Midwife!!! YAY MEL!! and to give her daughter Jaya a good send off to pre-school. YAY JAYA!!! As that party wound down the Canadian beach balls, food, umbrellas, literally anything that had a flag on it or was from Canada, appeared in the yard. It was a really fun day and I felt proud to be a Canadian and to celebrate with people I love so much.

3 days later I had the opportunity to celebrate "Independance Day" (though no one really says "happy independance day") aka 4th of July. The week of parties - yay for me! My friends and I grilled on our porch and then joined the happy throng of people walking to Gasworks Park to enjoy an evening of elephant ears, fireworks, music, and hyped up patriotism (which you don't really experience in Seattle much). This was my 2nd time going to Gasworks for the fireworks and I have to say - I LOVE IT! My favourite part of the whole night (aside from the fireworks) is when the military chopper flies around the entire park flying the flag below it to Ray Charles singing his rendition of "America, America" (i don't even know if that's the actual title of the song...). It was quite the ironic experience. As I stated above, Seattle wouldn't be the top most "patriotic" city in the Nation.

You might be wondering what this is all about, though perhaps some of you already know. Well, they give away free slurpees on 7-11-07. How great is that!? They were really small....but that's okay because there are LOTS of 7-11's, so you can just go from one to another all day and get lots! And it happened to be the perfect day because it was approx. 97 degrees in Seattle that day (we broke records & apparently made the news....maybe you saw it?) and we were all melting away into puddles of people - no good. Did God work that out? I don't know. But thank you God anyways..mmm...not for the heat wave, for free slurpee day on heat wave day.

The night I returned back to Seattle from my 3 weeks in Winnipeg I was surprised to find 3 of the students from the DTS I staffed a year ago here. Not the one that just finished this March, the year before that. The next morning I woke up and saw that there were 3 more here....by the next day there were 15 of the 21 students that made up the 05/06 DTS here in Seattle. They came from all over the US, Ireland & England. They came for the wedding of Mike & Brittany, 2 people who did their DTS that year as well, fell in love and well....got married.
It was so great to see everyone again, spend time with them, and find out what has been happening in their lives post DTS. If any of y'all are reading this - I love you and hope to hang out again very soon!
also....HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY....to no one specific and yet specific at the same time. I'm sure there have been birthday's happening that I was unaware of and while this is a "HAPPY BELATED" blog, I figured it's safe to wish someone out there a Happy Belated Birthday!
This was a very unspiritual blog and doesn't tell you how I'm doing personally, but more what's been going on. Of course, as I'm staffing the Mission Adventures program right now, there is a lot more I could say but I'll save that for later. Also, it doesn't fall under the 'happy belated" category.....
Peace and love my friends,
Winnipeg has been 'cupped' the slurpee capital of the world yet again... 8 years now. It's a proud heritage that we defend almost fiercely now. Just thought you'd want to know that.
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