an update:

First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who reads this blog! Seriously, I had quite a few responses to the last blog I posted. So just to let you know, some really good people that I've known for a long time happen to be in Abbotsford, BC for their sons (and my good friend) wedding and have offered to take a bunch of my boxes home to Winnipeg with them!
I will be flying home the first week of September (I'll find out the date tonight when I book my flight). I'm really looking forward to it though I'm enjoying my last few weeks here in Seattle. Yes, it will be sad to leave, but I feel ready for the next season of my life. :)
Also, many of you have been asking me what life will look like for me once back in Canada; what my plans are, etc. It is a little bit scary to voice my plans so publicly, only because...well honestly, the fear that I'll change my mind and you'll all think I'm crazy. haha. No, I've actually come up with a plan that I feel really confident about and excited to pursue.
Well, I guess the obvious is that once home I'll try to find a job (oh what fun) and when January rollls around my hope is to start school. Haven't decided where yet - I'm between Red River & UW. Anyways, I really want to be a Midwife, and my very tentative plan as of now is to attend SMS (Seattle Midwifery School) once done my first year of school. Of course, some of this is subject to change since by the time I'm done my prereqs 2 years or something like this will have gone by. But, that's at least the general direction I'm headed. I've never had a 5 year plan before and it feels very.....hmmm.....strange. Strange, yet great!
That's the long & short of it.
Miss you me, call me, write me, etc. I'd love to hear from you!
Peace & Love.
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