Now don't get all freaked out - I'm not pregnant or planning to be anytime soon. =) But, I can still have babies on the brain and pregnant women.
1. I have 3 friends all due within the next couple of weeks or so.
2. I'm reading this incredible book called "Baby Catcher"
3. My plan is to go to school so that I can one day be a midwive and "catch babies" myself.
4. I'm completely fascinated by pregnancy & natural birth (if that isn't already apparent)
How did this happen to me? The really crazy part is that when I was but a wee one, I told my Mom that when I grew up I wanted to be a "baby doctor". Later, in the miserable years of Junior High, I had to put one of those dumb quotes in my 9th grade yearbook, and because I had no CLUE what I wanted to be, I said I wanted to be a pediatrician. Then I went off galavanting across this earth loving people and different cultures and really had no idea where I was headed. I knew I wanted to go to school one day. I also knew that I wouldn't step a toenail into University or College unless I was sure I had a reason to be there.
In the meantime I met one of my most dear friends ever. Her name is Mel. She lives here in Seattle with her husband Ben & their 4 year old (and coolest kid ever) Jaya. She just recently graduated from Seattle Midwifery School & has plans to start her own practice with another Midwife friend of hers with a primary focus on Somali women. From spending countless hours with her and asking questions and just hearing her talk I found myself thinking quite seriously about both Midwifery as a whole and the idea of myself being one.
Last week Mel asked me to join her for her prenatal appointment (she's one of the 3 friends due in the next couple of weeks). I enjoyed every minute of it (even when some of those minutes I had no idea what they were talking about...big words flying over my head left, right & center). Her midwife was very excited that I want to be a midwife too & let me do everything she did. So, I got to measure her uterus, feel the baby's position and listen to the baby's heartbeat. I tried like 10 different instruments to hear the heart....and eventually heard it loud and clear and it was a sound I can't wait to hear over and over again.
That appointment sealed the deal. I've never wanted to do something so bad! In fact, later that day I was downtown Seattle and I saw a very pregnant lady and it was all I could do to stop myself from asking her if I could measure her uterus. haha. Um....yeah, calm down Amanda. I've heard "patience is a virtue" - and one that I'm in desperate need of.
It's going to be a very interesting next few years, but I welcome it with very open arms.
.peace & love.
Wow! Amanda that is awesome! I think you will make a great midwife.... Deborah
school is fun. you'll love it.
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