I'll be home June 12th!

....for 3 weeks!! yay! I can't wait to (hopefully) see as many of you as I can!
I would like to have you all over (those of you who
live in Winnipeg...unless you'd like to fly in! I certainly wouldn't object! haha)to my house one evening for some tasty Thai food. I would love to share with you what I've been busy doing out here and more about my time in Thailand. I have a few fun DVD's to show, many pictures and lots to say!
I haven't set a date yet, but I will before next weekend. I will keep you updated on that! I really hope you can come!
Much love to all of you,
...and this is the beautiful city:

...just wanted to let everyone know that I'm doing really well as of late! The weather here in Seattle has been absolutely gorgeous. It's pretty much summer, though, I won't get too ahead of myself as this is Seattle and the rain loves us over here.
For the past month now I have been volunteering at WORLD RELIEF (http://www.wr.org/) helping teach english to refugees. The newest group of refugees to arrive in Seattle come from Russia, but they aren't Russian. They are ethnic Turks, but they never lived in Turkey. Their ancestral home is Meskhetia, now part of the Republic of Georgia. They have many other refguees from other countries; this just happens to be the class that I am helping with for now.
AND I LOVE IT! I cannot tell you how much I look forward to going each week! The people are so sweet and I have so much fun with them. English is really difficult language to learn, so quite often they will just shake their heads and say "oh ...crazy english! " As I lead a team to Kyrgyzstan in the summer of '02, I know limited Russian which I like to bust out every now and then and they really like that. There are about 18 people in the class, ages 25-65. There are a few of us from YWAM Seattle that volunteer each week and we're hoping to take a bunch of the families to the waterfront in Seattle one weekend to see more of the city. If and when that works out, I'll make sure to take some pictures and post them on this blog.
i'll post more very soon...