Sunday, September 02, 2007

winnipeg in 3 days. WHAT!?

figured i should write something. not sure what to write though. my emotions aren't really one way or another. i have moments of tearing up. i have moments of anticipating what life will be like when i'm back. transition is interesting. sometimes scary. sometimes great.

two of my friends have had their babies. they are both beautiful and healthy little girls. actually, they had them the same day about an hour apart. pretty crazy. i can't get enough of their little fingers and toes. and the newborn baby smell.

here are some random thoughts:

- not very happy because my macbook has a crack in the screen and they want me to pay $750 to get it fixed. excuse me while that is almost how much my computer ITSELF costed. how can anyone charge that much to fix the SCREEN!? hopefully insurance will help me out. i'll give an update soon.
- i will miss many restaurants and all the access to glorious organic food
- how am i going to go to school? YIKES! i haven't gone in like 8 yrs.
- my family here....goodbye = SAD.
- winnipeg - yay! SNOW...... no thank you.
- seattle is the best city in the world...why the HECK am i leaving?'s okay i can visit.
- jamba juice really needs to come to canada
- again - thank you.
- happy to see my friends & family in the Peg
- thankful for all the people in my life both far and near
- here i come "real canadian superstore"
- canadians slurpees......finally finally finally!

these are some of the things roaming the long windy roads in my brain. i'm doing good though. i'm ready for this. but a mix of emotions as well......not that i can articulate them too well.

that's all for the moment. more to come soon, i'm sure.

love to you all.


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