an update...only months later...sorry aboot that!
soooooooooooo, i've been home now for 3 successful months! it has been really good, of course, with it's ups and downs, but for the most part i've been happy being here. i know part of the contentedness and joy comes from being in a place i'm confident that i'm supposed to be in for right now, and having a purpose and goal i'm working worked out for me to be in toronto for 10 days,over canadian thanksgiving. that was a lot of fun. i really didn't think it would work out, but my job was starting on the 15th of october and so the timing was perfect. i flew out a couple days before my mom & dad, and flew home a couple days before them. i got to see my extended family whom i haven't seen in a very long time, as well as my grandma who has alzheimers. it was difficult to see her, but so wonderful at the same time.
i'm currently working at costco. i'll admit, at first i hated it. looking back on it, i think it was just a case of the "first-couple-of-weeks-reluctance" or something. these days, i actually enjoy myself, have made some really fun friends and am making really decent money, which i can NOT complain about.
i'm totally enjoying being home for the christmas season in it's entirety rather than one mad rush of a visit right before i'm about to embark on a two month trip overseas. it's way more relaxed and we put the tree up almost a month ago already since the last couple of years i've only gotten one week to enjoy it.
it's definitely weird to not live in a community or with my friends for that matter. i've spent way more time alone in the past 3 months than i spent in over 2 years in seattle. sometimes that's not my favorite, other times i quite enjoy my alone time. it won't always be this way anyways..
i start my first class this january at the university of winnipeg with the plan to attend Ryerson U. in Toronto for their 4 year midwifery program. i'm stoked to go back to school - i can hardly wait!
so that's the 411 on my life in winnipeg - OH WAIT, did i mention that i'm TOTALLY loving the frigid manitoba winter? oh yes....i love the snow, i love hockey games, i love the cold, i love putting on my snow pants and being outside and i love the fact that i can drive in this kind of weather; a talent & ability that hopefully most of us manitobans have bragging rights to!!
i'm really quite happy. learning still. thinking a lot. hoping to grow more.
peace & love
amanda xo
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