rest. peace. kindness. transition. love.

Oh heeeeeey guys!
Well, I'm not sure I've been good at keeping you updated on my Winnipeg adventures the past 3 weeks, so here goes....
REST. I have had much rest and it was exactly what I needed. Interestingly enough, only a month ago I was having a hard time knowing exactly what it was that I was in need of. After 3 weeks of spending some solid time with friends and family, eating good food, relaxing in the sun, reading good books, listening to good music, going to the annual "red river exhibition", and trying my hand at a round of golf....I see how desperately in need of a break I was. I am returning to Seattle at rest in my physical body, but more importantly, rested in my heart & mind.
PEACE. If you've been reading my blog lately, you will know that I had been going in the direction of an R-1 Visa (which would allow me to be in the US for a longer period of time) and planning on staying in Seattle for the next few years at least. I was feeling much anxiety about this, mostly because in my lengthy experience with INS, I've found them to be quite inconsistant and unpredictable. So my anxiety was mostly due to thinking about actually attaining this visa, and not the staying-in- seattle-for-a-long-time-part. I love Seattle and would love to be able to call it my home....
During my first week in Winnipeg I experienced a lot of rest along with a sense of something I could only describe to people as "relief". I was somewhat surprised at this I started allowing myself to explore this feeling. As it turns out, I came to a conclusion, one that quietly slipped in the back door so to speak. It wasn't forced on me, it wasn't even suggested to me...I just sort of gave myself the freedom to think it and talk to God aobut it and it felt healthy, right, and I felt peaceful about it. I decided to finish out the summer program in Seattle and return to Canada at the end of this August.
KINDNESS. Mine & Yours. Yes, I am learning the importance of being kind to myself, being aware of my needs and pursue the issues and desires that God has been stirring in me the past couple of years. Some of these things are more easy to define while some are still unclear and in need of more definition.
The nature of what I have been doing the past years has caused me to rely greatly on the kindness and generosity of many others. I could not and can not do what I've been doing without help of some kind, be it prayer, words of encouragement, or support through finances.
I want to give a HUGE thank you to all those who have given much to me the past years and in the same respect voice my need of your continued love, prayers, & support in the next 2 months in Seattle and the months ahead upon my leaving. TRANSITION is always a bit of hard work...and many times, tears. I know there will be times when I need the reminder that I'm not alone and that I have nothing to fear. Practically, I am asking those of you who read this blog to consider helping me out financially for the next 2 months. I would like to finish of strong and most importantly, I do not want to leave Seattle in any kind of debt!
LOVE. Much of it to all of you who read this blog...and please continue to. Just because I'm "leaving Seattle" in the fall, does not mean I will not continue to blog my thoughts about this next season of life.
I have lots more to say which means, more to come soon... :)